Awesome Tanks Game

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Awesome Tanks HTML5

Awesome Tanks

Awesome Tanks

Awesome Tanks is a tank-based tank fighting game.
Your mission in the Awesome Tanks game is to Take control of your tank and get ready to complete various intense missions like smashing enemy tanks, destroying bosses, finding secretly filled rooms. bonus. You must destroy all enemy tanks and important objects to complete each level. Destroy crates to get lots of gold bonuses, and try to pick up health kits to restore part of your health. You can also destroy dynamite barrels to deal with large explosive area damage to nearby enemies. After completing the level, you can spend the money earned to buy upgrades for your tanks, such as increased armor and more dangerous weapons. Try to collect all the medals .Pipe flying tanks by aiming, placing bombs to destroy all enemies. Traps explode enemy tanks and destroy enemy bases to conquer levels. At the same time, you need to collect coins by picking up pieces of enemies to upgrade the tank’s stats, buy and improve weapons when participating in this tank battle. Fight infinite tanks and set new records in Survival mode, playing the procedurally generated Arena levels. Open each part of the map where you go to get a new place.

How to play Awesome Tanks game

- Use arrow keys or WASD to move your tank.
Aim your tank and shoot with your mouse. Defeat enemy tanks, collect coins and destroy enemy bases to clear each level. Spend your money wisely to upgrade your tank with armor, weapons, better visibility and more.
If you have trouble moving and firing at the same time, try using the arrow keys to move instead of WASD or vice versa.
– Left-click to shoot
– Space bar to switch weapons
– 123456 to select a specific weapon