Duck Life 5
Duck Life Treasure Hunt is an exciting and adventurous spin-off of the popular Duck Life series, known for featuring the most beloved ducklings in the world. In this sweet installment, players are tasked with exploring a hidden cave in search of legendary treasure. The journey promises fast-paced and cute running action that will keep players engaged for hours. As you embark on this epic duck adventure, you must prepare by purchasing various upgrades that will aid you in your quest. These upgrades are essential for navigating the treacherous cave environment successfully. While you explore, it's crucial to exercise caution and avoid bumping into flammable objects that could jeopardize your mission. To make your duck even more formidable and equipped for the challenges ahead, you can collect coins along the way and level up your feathery friend. Additionally, you have the option to outfit your duck in over 200 adorable costumes, each adding its unique flair to your character. What's more, your duck can be enhanced with powerful gadgets, making it even more capable of handling the dangers of the cave. To further assist you on your quest, there are over 20 cute pets at your disposal, and yes, you can upgrade every single one of them. The adventure doesn't stop there. Duck Life Treasure Hunt allows you to race against other ducks from around the world. Compete with fellow treasure hunters and prove that you have what it takes to be the best in the duckling world. In Duck Life Treasure Hunt, you'll experience the perfect blend of exploration, customization, and competition. Are you ready to dive into the cave and uncover the legendary treasures that await? Strap on your running shoes, and let the adventure begin! Controls: Mouse / Touch