Boneless Girl

Enjoy this unique animated game where you'll have to control a falling girl amongst some strange spheres. Is she boneless?! Pointless fun! Click, drag and drop boneless girl. How to Play Boneless Girl Use your mouse to interact. Boneless Girl controls a girl who falls on the ball without limits. All you need to do is click on the Girl who is falling in huge bubbles and shape, click on the Girl’s body and drag her onto the bubbles. The game does not have a limit on the goals you need to reach, keep helping the Girl move down and fall on the balls. The bikini girl is paired with body parts in joints, giving her the ability to flex and slide around. By all means you will help her to weave through the shadows and move down. Balls of different sizes, arranged in different positions and interspersed with each other. Between them are spaces that can be very wide or very narrow enough for the Girl’s body to move downwards.