Hide Online
Hide Online is a multiplayer game with a very unique game play. This game consists of two teams, the Props and the Hunters. The Props are the ones who transform to objects. They hide and taunt just to confuse the Hunters. The only objective of the Hunters is to shoot the Props. In this game the Props have only 30 sec to hide by transforming to any object they wish and after that the next 30 second they will taunt or make a sound and it's up to the Hunters to look for them. Just remember not to shoot the wrong object or else you'll lose some life points. You have got a couple of minutes to search and kill the Props or else they will win the game.It's a game of hide and seek with a twist! Play this unique game, in which you’ll play as the hunter or the hidden objects. If you find yourself in the role of an object, you need to transform yourself and hide from the hunter. It won’t be easy though, since people can be hidden as any object in the game. How to know who are the other players? The objects have to fit into their respective environments, if they don’t, they are probably being controlled by other players. Oh, and they also get hurt when you shoot them with your trusty AK.