Sonic RPG 9

New game-play, level difficulties and cut-scenes from the movie itself! and achievements! The game has 2 RPG fights with a new game-play. One is to introduce you guys to the new style (Tutorial) and the second is a full RPG battle with a full party. Sonic RPG is back for the 9th instalment of the famous role play game! Take on Seelkadoom in an entirely new gaming system, which is more action-orientated than the previous episodes and has a long battle, which demands a combination of combat skills and strategic thinking. String together Shadow’s skills and alternate between 3 strategic modes for your teammates (defence/normal/aggressive) so that Knuckles and NiGHTS perform their best attacks at the opportune moment. Sonic RPG 9 is also interspersed with animated scenes that draw on the Sonic series, much to the delight of its biggest fans!