Stranded Isle

It is a pixel art style survival game built with Pico-8 where the main goal is to survive and leave the island. There is a sea-serpent boss in the underworld section of the island that is optional for completing the game. To beat the game you must work your way from wood to gem tools and craft a boat to leave. There are threats in the form of zombies in the game as dangers to you on the island. If you are killed by a zombie or by the sea-serpent boss, you will not respawn. A way to bypass this, however, is to simply save your game, and then make 2 or more tabs of stranded isle.You move with the W, A, S, D, access your inventory with x, and z to use items. You can press z while facing an interactable to use it (interactables including workbenches, chests, etc. and sand/grass with shovel/scythe respectively). Play it to know all the ins and outs, as this game has a few nuances to it. There are different playstyles that make it more interesting for replaying. There are two endings to beating the game.