Whack Your Teacher

Have you ever had bottled-up aggression while you were in school? Obviously, there is no place for violence in school, but there are video games that give us a healthy outlet that does not harm a fly. Well, that is the case with the free game Do not Whack Your Teacher. Do not Whack Your Teacher Gameplay Do not Whack Your Teacher warn you before you start the game that there is plenty of blood, violence, and gore to go around. While there is not necessarily a story to Do not Whack Your Teacher, you can come up with any number of reasons in your head why you would choose violence. The starting menu for Do not Whack Your Teacher sets the tone for the game as you throw a ruler directly into the teacher’s head before you can click play to start the game. Once you start the game, you are sitting in a room with the teacher, surrounded by perfectly normal school items. Of course, since Do not Whack Your Teacher is full of violence, you can use most of the items to brutally murder your teacher. Here are some of the items and how they are used to kill: ● Backpack: How can a backpack be used to kill someone? Well, you will find out after clicking the backpack and finding out how it leads to the teacher’s fiery death. ● A Chair: A chair is a staple of violence in wrestling, and it is any wonder how it will be used to kill the teacher in a gory fashion. ● A Jar of Bees: Take a guess how a jar of bees is used in a way to have the teacher fall to their death out the window. Do not Whack Your Teacher Tips It is not much as far as tips for Do not Whack Your Teacher. The only thing we can think to tell you is to not try any of these at home. Also, some items are locked to Box10.com, so, unfortunately, if you want to see some violent deaths, you would have to do it through there.