Infinite Mario Bros

Infinite Mario randomly generates a new world each time you play the game. So every time you fire it up, you're having a unique experience. The generated worlds follow the Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World format of having a defined overworld map with levels, shortcuts, and what not to traverse through. The stages themselves are modeled after Super Mario World itself which everyone knows is the best Mario Bros. game ever made! Infinite Mario Bros is a great adventure game on a map with a predefined direction. Overcome all the obstacles on the way and rescue the princess. To save Princess Peach, explore totally new regions in the Mushroom Kingdom! Infinite Mario Bros will transport you to new worlds. You will not be able to know what is waiting for you. Jump to new places, smash the question mark, and defeat the Koopa Troopas and Goombas who stand in your path. Have fun and enjoy a classic 8 bit Mario retro-style game.