Return Man 2: Zombies Game

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Return Man 2: Zombies HTML5

Return Man 2: Zombies

Return Man 2: Zombies

Return Man 2: Zombies is an extremely exciting American football game with a spooky Halloween theme. It is an interesting sports game. This game has unique 3D graphics, suitable for all ages, especially children and families.
In Return Man 2: Zombies, instead of running through the soccer field and avoiding human tackles, instead run across the field and avoid being eaten by zombies! You can play on ten different stages, each with a different stadium and a host of different characters to operate. In this game, you will play on a haunted soccer field and against an undead team of athletes. Catch the ball and then run towards the end area.
In this game, you will be a rugby player and your task is to complete all the levels. This game has 10 levels, each level being a challenge for you. You need to complete level 1 to unlock the remaining levels.
On the first level, you are alone and you have to solve zombies without help! However, as you progress, you get a support team who will sacrifice yourself and keep the zombies involved while you take a break to be free! At the start of each level, the ball is thrown at you. You have to catch it and then go to the ball touchline without getting caught. Don’t forget to use your three special moves and collect powers scattered across the field. Try to get rid of zombies!
Tips and tricks:
– You can pause /resume/restart and enable/disable the sound on the game screen.
– You can play this game in full-screen mode.
– Avoid deep pools of mud as they will slow you down.

How to play the game of Return Man 2: Zombies

Use I or the up arrow to run forward
Use the K or down arrow to run back
Use J or left arrow to run left
Use L to or right arrow to run right
Use ASD to use special moves
Use M to mute.
Use space to continue.